Bring Out the Beauty of Your Outdoors: These Landscaping Services Enhance a Landscape Design in Carson City, NV

Bring Out the Beauty of Your Outdoors: These Landscaping Services Enhance a Landscape Design in Carson City, NV

A landscape service can either enhance your Carson City, NV outdoor space or add a feature that will complement the aesthetic or property. Bring out the beauty of your outdoor area with these enticing landscape services that make a seamless addition.

Shade Structures

When you need some shade on a hot afternoon, a landscape shade structure can be the answer. Your landscaper can design and build an open air shade structure to let some sunlight in but shield the hottest rays. A pergola is composed of hefty wood posts that can be anchored to your patio floor or set in stone bases that bring out the textures and colors of your home and landscape that you love.

Topped with wood beams that can be customized for a unique appearance, the pergola can also be built as a separate structure from the patio. Below the wood beams is filtered sunlight to let you spend time outside on a warm day without sitting in the beating sun.

Another popular shade structure is the pavilion. This offers complete shade because it has a full roof that is often designed in a gable style to add a vertical feature to your landscape. The roof can allow you to add ceiling fans for increased breezes and lighting to let you stay there longer in the day. No matter the shade structure, having a spot to enjoy a warm day without baking can be delightful.

Game Court

When you struggle to know what to do with the kids in the summertime, the answer just might be a game court. The beauty of a game court is that you can add any games you wish and one space can accommodate all of them.

Start your game court with a flat surface that can be home to basketball, volleyball, skating, and more. A game court can be planned for one side to host basketball and other sports while a parallel court can be enclosed in a fence so the tennis lovers in the family can play one another and friends.

When the court is not in use for the older kids’ games, the little ones can enjoy drawing with sidewalk chalk and riding their tricycles.

Putting green: Don’t forget to incorporate a putting green for the golfers to wind down by practicing their putting. The putting green can even be home to some friendly competition among family members, too.

Landscape Plantings

The way to have your new features blend well with the old is thoughtful landscape plantings. When your landscaper designs a fresh appearance for your outdoor spaces, the clear connection among the spaces can complete your new landscape look.

By using trees that are planted in the area close to the patio and then echoed again near the sport court, this can seam the spaces together. Choosing seasonal flowers and shrubs that keep their leaves throughout the year can also help the new blend with the old by incorporating each species in both places.

When you want to keep some parts of your landscape but also want to improve others, a skilled landscape designer can merge the old with the new to look as if it was always there.

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