5 Areas of a Landscape Design Where a Retaining Wall Can Offer Extra Seating in Reno, NV

5 Areas of a Landscape Design Where a Retaining Wall Can Offer Extra Seating in Reno, NV

The appeal and function of a retaining wall can extend far beyond solving a slope problem in your Reno, NV landscape. Placing a stone retaining wall in your front and backyard can offer more seating and privacy for the various outdoor living spaces.

Related: 3 Ways a Retaining Wall Can Help Create the Perfect Patio Area in Sparks, NV

Retaining Wall for a Patio

Working with your landscape professional to add a retaining wall to the new paver patio can be an ideal spot to incorporate extra seating. They can make the retaining wall any height you prefer and any section of the wall can have seating.

Around the patio perimeter can be deep seating of wall stone or smooth, weather-proof wood to let your guests relax on a seat with a firm back support with cushions added to the bottom for padding and comfort.

Extra seating in this outdoor living space can free up the coffee table and other flat surfaces where you can place drinks and snacks for the group. The built-in seating works exceptionally well for a fire pit space where you want to create as much seating as possible.

Retaining Wall Along the Walkway

Incorporating a stone retaining wall along a walkway that leads to your outdoor living areas can offer additional seating for hosting a large group for a barbeque. Once the burgers and hotdogs are cooked and the rest of the meal is set up, friends and family can help themselves to plates and find casual seating in the patio areas and on the retaining wall.

Having a retaining wall that follows the walkway direction can lend definition to your backyard and show people where to access the patio. When your landscape professional adds planting space to the wall’s backside, you can plant pretty flowers there to make your landscape pop with color.

Retaining Wall for Outdoor Dining

Don’t forget to include the outdoor dining area for built-in seating along the retaining wall. Anytime you can have more seating can be a bonus. If the outdoor dining area doesn’t need continuous built-in benches, you can have them add recessed seating to several spots within the retaining wall so two or three people can sit in a cozy nook to chat and enjoy drinks and food.

Retaining Wall for a Fire Pit

You will want the maximum seating for a fire pit area and adding deep seats to the retaining wall giving your fire feature the privacy you want makes good sense. This can be especially true when the fire pit is recessed into the ground and stadium-style seating with the wall can add so many more seating options.

Retaining Walls for Slopes

A retaining wall for a slope in your front yard where you must walk up an awkward hill to access the front door can be the ideal solution. A landscape professional can cut into the slope to design and install a low retaining wall with steps that make ascending the walkway more comfortable. At the same time, the retaining wall can give you casual seating to catch up with a neighbor out walking since you can sit for a moment on the flat wall top to talk.

The right retaining wall can be a game-changer when you need additional seating and clear definition in your outdoor landscape and living spaces.

Related: Landscape Contractors in Reno, NV, Suggest These Retaining Wall Styles for a Paver Patio