These Landscaping Services Can Boost the Look of Your Front Yard in Spanish Springs, NV

These Landscaping Services Can Boost the Look of Your Front Yard in Spanish Springs, NV

If you want to boost the look of your Spanish Springs, NV, front yard, these landscaping services can make a significant difference. From changing the landscape style to refreshing the plantings, your front yard can be transformed into a dazzling display.

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Change the Landscape Style

An outdoor space typically has a certain look and perhaps it is time to do something different in your front yard.

  • Contemporary Modern: Your landscaper can create a clean look with this design that features bold shapes, tidy lines, and metal flourishes with an urban vibe. 

  • Organic: The Organic design works to blend the natural landscape with the created to incorporate sweeping curves, stone and raw wood, and water.

  • Napa: Blending indoor and outdoor spaces is the hallmark of Napa style with earthy tones, some history, and a little vintage. 

  • Sierra: Sierra focuses on sustainable materials and hints of metal. There are clean lines and rustic touches, too.

  • Native Southwest: Featuring terra cotta tilework, rough stone textures, and pops of bold color, the southwest design takes its cue from earth tones found in the desert.

  • Contemporary Desert: Sparse and minimal, the contemporary desert incorporates sustainable landscape plants and a covered space that brings relief from the sun. 

  • Contemporary Tropical: Evoking a tropical paradise, this style uses bold colors, noteworthy structures, and water features to bring a contemporary feel.

  • European: The most formal style, European is known for stone walls and terraces, symmetrical gardens, and fountains for old-world charm.

  • Asian: The focus is on nature and balance with the Asian style. Simple elements like rock, water, sand, plants, and ornamental features create a Zen feel.

  • Arabic: Stimulate your senses with the Arabic style with a central pool, spilling fountains, and aromatic plants and herbs. 

Add Fire or Water

While it might seem unusual, bringing fire or water to your front yard can boost the look. Consider having your landscaper install a central fountain with a circular driveway that allows guests to park in front of your house and experience the drama of the water. If you love symmetry, consider having two fountains of smaller scale on each side of the front entry to enjoy the soothing sounds of water every time you come and go.

A fire pit can be ideal in a front patio or courtyard which sits to the side of the front door. Having your landscaper extend the walkway into space on either side of the front entry can allow for a fire pit to warm your time outside on a beautiful evening and a waterfall that spills out of an exterior wall of your home. Experiencing fire and water together can be quite dynamic. Both elements are soothing and bring a sensory delight to your front yard space. 

New Plantings

In a front yard refresh, new plants can take your landscape from ho-hum to Oh, wow! If your front yard plantings have become overgrown and uninviting, new plantings can remedy that. Your landscaper can balance the texture, design, and each detail to create an inviting, lush yard. Proper plant selection and placement is their specialty—never an afterthought. 

When you want to boost the look of your front landscape but don’t know where to start, a skilled landscape service is an answer.

Related: How to Find Landscapers Near Me That Create Compelling Front Yard Landscaping in Spanish Springs NV