How Landscaping Services Add Year-Round Color to Backyard Landscaping in Carson City NV

How Landscaping Services Add Year-Round Color to Backyard Landscaping in Carson City NV

Bringing year-round color to your landscape can be a special talent of a skilled landscaping service. No matter the season when you look out on your Carson City, NV, backyard to see pretty colors and amazing combinations, you can delight in the skill and expertise they bring to your landscape.

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Principles of Planting

Landscaping services observe some general guidelines for planting that can help your landscape have an edge over the others in the neighborhood. Here are some ways that they plan their colors for the most impact.

Grouping: Grouping flowers together can have more of an impact than having a few here and a few there. A skilled landscape service strategizes where the colors will have the most visual effect—places such as right at the driveway entry or beside the front porch—spaces that guests will notice. 

Color Combinations: Believe it or not, not every color goes together and some pairings can stand out from the rest. Various shades of purple can look dazzling with spots of yellow as can red and orange together. Some homeowners love the monochromatic look of shades of white within a planting space. Whatever colors you prefer, tell your landscape specialist so that they can select those colors for your yard. 

Highlight a Space: Brightly colored flowers can draw the eye and bring attention to specific parts of the landscape like a pretty stone wall or a landscape bed that sits at the entry to an arbor. The right colors can bring energy and excitement to your landscape or they can create a calm, Zen-like feeling, depending on the plants and color tones that you love. 


In fall there can be multi-colored pansies, yellow or red or white mums, and corn stalks to add a neutral but textured appearance. Fall can be the ideal time to add pots to your front entry for a festive feel at the front door.


Winter can be the time to add ornamental cabbage and kale to your chilly landscape. A landscape specialist might recommend incorporating some shrubs that produce berries for a pop of color in your yard. Some bushes have brightly colored stems and limbs that can add interest, as well. 


Spring might just be the easiest season to add color into your landscape because the ground is waking up from the dormant winter and everything begins growing once more. Bright green grass, leafy trees, and tiny buds on shrubs can all make a landscape feel alive but perennial bulbs such as tulips, daffodils, and lilacs can add a traditional and comforting splash of color. 


Black-eyed Susan, daisies, hibiscus, lush green ferns—there are too many summer flowers and plants to name but your landscape specialist knows how to combine them in the best possible way to bring summer floral beauty and color to your landscape. 

When you value year-round color in your yard, the plan begins with great design. With a landscape architect at the center of the design look, every plant and flower choice can be exactly what your backyard needs to delight and satisfy the senses. Their skilled landscape service can deliver amazing and unique combinations with unusual plant choices to bring the one-of-a-kind aesthetic that makes your Carson City, NV, backyard gorgeous no matter the season. 

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